Jer has more than two decades of experience speaking to audiences about data, technology and creativity. He has spoken to CEOs and students, designers and coders, teachers and politicians, in sold-out conference halls and intimate retreats.
Jer’s talks on TED.com have been watched by more than a half-million people. Recently, he has delivered keynote presentations at The Library of Congress, MIT’s Media Lab, The American Museum of Natural History, MoMA, and NASA’ s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) in Pasadena.
We Were Out Counting Birds
When the whole world is a coal mine, every bird is a canary.
In this visually captivating, deeply researched and frequently hilarious talk, Jer investigates the politics, poetry and pathos of avian enumeration. It's a talk about finding and counting, hope and precarity.
Combining data viz with narratives from journeys to far-flung destinations, Jer tells the story of how tightly bound our own future is to that of our feathered friends.
“Jer joined us at our Data Disaggregation Action Network Convening in Detroit. He captivated a roomful of advocates and government officials, all of whom are fighting for data equity. His presence at our event made a deep impression on all involved and provided inspiration for future work. His views on how to think about and present data provided much food for thought, that continue to provoke discussion today and a week does not go by without his name and/or ideas popping up in conversation.”
- Meeta Anand, Senior Director, Census & Data Equity, civilrights.org
"Making Data More Human", TED.com, 2009
"Data & Humans: A Love Story", The Library of Congress, 2017